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“The working, mom…
Good morning Mommies, what a great feeling!
Today is my youngest birthday, she is turning 26! No longer young I guess, but I feel selfish thinking about myself on this day, what can I say!

To begin with, let me tell you, according to many around me, they all say I have done a great job raising my daughters, they turned out…
I am simply not mentioning how they turned out, although I am very proud of their achievements, both, today, I like to discuss, #MOI, the working mom.

Seriously, being a woman, a mom, a working mom, is not easy!
& please note that I have super, great respect for the 24-hours non-working moms, I believe they are on non-break, no-relief time, they are on an ongoing mission.

To me, work was not negotiable, whether I needed it for financial security or not, I loved working, I loved the early wake up to go to work, I loved the stressful day, and since I can remember, I used to work, as a workaholic!
As well, having a family and being a mom has always been a priority and a dream that I would never let go of.
So, my life, my life on the go, my life during the ups and downs of marriage, my life at work, and my life as a mom… they rolled like a roller coaster with no regret to any.
A marriage that gave me two daughters…
A marriage that ended up with a divorce…
A career where I succeeded, a career that I have developed, a true pride to me, but was not the favor of my marriage partner… Was it among the leads to the divorce, probably, but when I evaluated the situation, especially that it was not one of the elements I would jeopardize, I had to keep it as one of the basic entities towards my future.

As a working woman, I learned to that I needed to stand in a skirt but feel that I am wearing a suit, I learned not to fear the suits around me, and not allow them to intimidate me, I learned to stand my grounds… but wait, isn’t this what a woman should do at home, with her husband, and as a mom… probably not all I said applies to you all, but many men try to intimidate women at home and at the work field, many try to say the first and last word, and many try to overpower women simply for the purpose of gender inequality, and, while this, to me, shows great inferiority!
As a woman, I love strong women, I love when a woman shows sparkling spirit in the society, I love when a woman shows strength and confidence, to me it means she is well supported emotionally, she is seen with a bold eye, respected, and loved.
As a mom, whether working or not, the respect to this person is immense. No words can ever describe this person’s life. It is not about a line of duty, it is rather about what this person thinks starting when bearing their child, the fear she has to outcome during sickness, child’s emotional malaise, during growing phases, love and unhappy phases, and during every day I guess, I tell you, talking about the load of men in uniform, this person is wearing a uniform called motherhood!

So, connecting those together to reach the working woman, and dissociating them to the initial starting point, the woman, I salute you every step of the way, I salute the giving spirit, I salute the fighting spirit you have in the work field and as a mom, the spirit you raise in the children, the leaders of tomorrow, I salute your smile despite the worry, and the ongoing strength despite what is happening inside your life, and mainly…. hear this, hear me clearly, I SALUTE THE MAN THAT DARES TO STAND BY YOU, BE THE POWER BEHIND YOU, AND SHADOW YOU!

#MOI Cheers to you all!

Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available on this Amazon link: Badiaa Hiresh amazon.com link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing link: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers link: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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