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“Am I damaged goods?

A question I asked myself… why is it that no relationship lasts? I cannot see myself as a duo, I cannot hold someone’s hand for long, I cannot keep near someone and sleep tight…

Am I damaged goods?

No you are not, you were hurt, deceived, and emotionally traumatized!

You forgot to speak for yourself, and probably were in a situation where you couldn’t…

Sometimes the fear is so strong that we cannot face it, or think we cannot. At that moment, we lack confidence under the attack of the abuser thinking they are the sole carer for our future that we fear raising our voice and speaking our mind.

So am I damaged goods? No I am not, no you are not.

We are are simply under the spell of the abuser, waiting for that moment when we gain our strength, confidence, and take charge of our life although with fear but it will take just a moment to knock that firewall we are hiding behind…

We will, We shall, because we are not alone and I know because I was once there, on the other side!”

#MOI the listening ears you need and your voice until we hear you up!

Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available on this Amazon link: Badiaa Hiresh amazon.com link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing link: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers link: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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