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“A salute to you my friend…
Monday is the motivating friend, I can’t wait to leave the house, get to work, see my colleagues, chat about the weekend, boosting the morale, and give a kick start to a working week.
Tuesday is the pamper day, I get together with my partner, visit a happy hour, sample the different flavors, start dreaming about a beautiful life, and come back home.
Wednesday is mid-week, a day I never knew whether the working day is half-way done or still ongoing, it always caused a question, please when is the weekend coming, so we made it ladies’ night. Friends get together, discuss the guys, stretch the discussion to life, and try to plan a wild weekend.
Thursday is my BFF day, we sit, smoke, have a drink, assess, and think it over. You know why I can? because he is special. Sometimes I miss him, actually, I always do, but life has its own circumstances.
Friday is the LCF, let’s celebrate Friday, we go out, in a cozy round place, sit, talk, eat, and relax.
Saturday is the chill day, I like to take my time with the morning coffee, then I like to walk in a crowded place, a mall or flea market, then go movie night.
Sunday is the comeback day, a very long story to tell, you can have hints about it from my book, but in short, it is family day.
A nice week, sometimes, and when alone, I keep busy in a coffee shop writing, watching people and looking at the void.

Which friend of the week you think I salute… well, I salute myself.
True, because I stand by my friends without dropping them to my vide(in french) or void.
I salute myself for being able to sit with my BFF, and other times assuming they are there. I enjoy their company, memory and I understand their absence.
I can sit alone, and enjoy my own company, and know the difference between alone and lonely.
I do have lots of problems, but I keep trying to find solutions without burdening my surroundings.
I know that asking for help when needed means you trust them, and trust yourself, it does not mean you are helpless.
I salute the friend in myself and every friend that accepts me the way I am.

#MOI the Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available:Amazon: amazon.com link to both books Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

Follow me @https://youreverydaycoffeeblog.com/