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“No, I am not a Loser! & that is how I felt for a long while…
Deep down, I knew my strength; deep down, I knew how much I had to offer; deep down, I knew that one day I will set free… but what happened?!
They wanted me to bow, they wanted me to support their criminal actions, they wanted me to speak only when given the right, and while given the words to say…
They wanted me to be a follower, a bystander, a shadow, an opinion-less… They wanted me to just nod my head, have no opinion, have no say…

The criminal outside jail, kills you softly, makes you feel like a loser at all times, makes you fear detachment, denies you happiness, makes you live under uncessable pressure… until the day you begin thinking that a day without pain is a blessing, while it is your right to be happy, live peacefully, and enjoy life!
For years, I waited for help, prayed for help, dreamt of help, then one day I realized that all the help I needed was within me, all the courage I needed was within me, all I needed was within me, just waiting for me to handle me, to stand for myself, to take a stand, voice my opinion, and breath the fresh air of freedom, freedom of speech, opinion, happiness, and enjoy life!

Dear Friend,
You, are not a LOSER!
You are stronger than you think…
You are beautiful inside out…
You are smart…
You can do it!”
#MOI when jail was on the other side of the bars!

Author of
Where is My Angel? Book by #MOI and Read about my longing to live again

Mommy, I am a PACER! Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available:

Amazon: amazon.com link to both books

Through the publishers:

Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?

Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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