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“Pain and Forgiveness!
Well… a moment of truth and inner-thoughts!
When someone hurt us, we say forgive and forget… all the F crap!
Do we have the right to forgive and forget when the action of that person effected those we love?
Will we be giving the best example to those we love by Forgiving and Forgetting?
& last, will we be telling those we love, I care about those that hurt me more than I care about the tears you shed, and the pain you felt?!”
#MOI about last night…. I know the goal is to let go, but there is always a lesson!

Author of
Where is My Angel? Book by #MOI and Read about the struggle to heal because no one felt what I felt!

Mommy I am a PACER! Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available:

Amazon: amazon.com link to both books

Through the publishers:

Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?

Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!


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