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For a special man on his special day… What is your age?!

For a special man on his special day… What is your age?! 

As children, we play, we laugh, we run around and loud…
As teenagers, we start thinking and planning, we dream…
Before we know it, we are young adults, and feel responsible…
Before we know it, life strikes us with responsibilities, some we adopt and others we embrace…
& then, like the days of the week, life repeats itself, but the dates become different…
Like a book we read again, situations are identical, but our views, perceptions and reactions become different…
& That is life… day, week, year, decade after decade, it scrolls but…
Is age measured but the number of days lived so far, or…

We live in a rush,
we rush to succeed,
we succeed to provide,
we provide to ensure continuity,
we ensure continuity because we want our loved ones to live happy, happily, and happier but…
What is your age… 

Your age…
it is the number of memories you lived,
it is the number of smiles you lived,
it is the number of happy thoughts you had,
it is the number of hurdles you survived,
it is the number of advices you gave,
it is the number of tears you wiped for others,
it is the number of hands you held for people to stand again,
it is the number of steps you walked people through,
It is the number of… blessings and faithful moments you had… 
So what is your age? Count your blessings…
So what is your age? For some people, they don’t have time to count…
it’s the blessings of others around them to count it for them!

God bless you, and blessed us with someone like YOU!

Lots of love
#MOI Badiaa
Happy Birthday to You
A special note, for a special person, on his special day!

Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available on this Amazon link: Badiaa Hiresh link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing link: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers link: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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