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“Morning report… is your coffee ready, are you ready for this?

Well, let me be honest about the way it is, about the truth, about reality, I MISS LOVE.
What can I say, lie, I might be able to lie to the world, but cannot lie to myself!
I cannot say, there are no gentlemen around when I don’t give people a chance…
I cannot say, we didn’t click or there was no chemistry when I never do a second…
What’s a second you are saying I bet, a second date.
I am a first date person, if and when I decide to give someone a chance, if I don’t block him before going, create a fight, a thousand excuses, and runaway…
& giggling in my heart as I am the one that empowers men and women to go back in the saddle, and had been once a horseback rider I literally know the meaning… what ever happened to me!

In my book, WHERE IS MY ANGEL? and the new ready to publish one, I always mention the importance of love, and how true love can revive a dead soul, but I, as well, believe that this love should be mutual… but how can someone fall in love again, if first and foremost, the first sign is trust…

Well, you must be touched, touched where no one ever touched you before… your heart!”
#MOI morning report on love matters
Apologies for being out of the context of the Coronavirus but it’s the lockdown that made those feelings and thoughts float again!


Author of
*Where is My Angel?
Book by #MOI and Read about the role of Faith in my life

*Mommy, I am a PACER!
Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available:Amazon: amazon.com link to both books Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?
Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

Follow me @https://youreverydaycoffeeblog.com/