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“Living solo… what does it mean?
To me, it means solo in a world of a crowd, where you learn to enjoy your life alone, and not depend emotionally on others!
It means, it is ok not to have someone to love in your life especially if and when you keep on falling around people to whom you are not a priority;
It is a realization, that life, although it consists of having a partner with whom you share love, special moments, building memories, and enjoying the everyday ups and downs, yet, being alone among a crown does not mean you are lonely;
Cheers to this phase, although having this one person, ends up being an illusion, yet, living on this person’s memory lasts at times longer than its reality!
To life and its memories, but mainly, cheers to inner-strength, and to those who learn to live solo, and embrace the moment!”
#MOI & My Life, and the moments that makes it special

Author of
Where is My Angel? Book by #MOI and Read about the moments that made my life special

Mommy, I am a PACER! Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…

Both available:

Amazon: amazon.com link to both books

Through the publishers:

Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?

Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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