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“Memoirs of a Struggle to lose weight: the stubborn weight!
For the past 5 days, the scale was stuck! it was tough, I felt the fat was testing my determination…
Let me tell you, I felt like breaking my promise many times. Yet, no I did not! You know why, because the promise is very important, it is a commitment; I did not want to do to myself what others did to me!
I promised myself to be healthy and happy, and I shall be; Healthy, because I am prone to diabetes since I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter, and Happy, because I feel lighter, and healthier.
Those few kilos I lost so far are the stepping stones towards #MOI’s new lifestyle and future, nevertheless, I shall always remain a BIXXY, Big & Sexy, because the basics of my size will never change!”
#MOI -8.5Kgs (18.5 pounds) and proud of myself, join my efforts, share your feelings!

Author of
Where is My Angel? Book by #MOI and Read about when promises are broken, how stronger you get to be…
Mommy I am a PACER! Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…
Both available:
Amazon: amazon.com link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?

Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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