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“Memoirs of a struggle to lose weight: Awarded the gift of life!
I tried, it is not easy, but I am going through with it!
#MOI, -3.2 kilos in two weeks, the struggle is big, the meals are smaller, but the motivation is high!
Are you joining me? I did it before, not weight based but emotional,connect with me, share your struggles, and together for one goal: life, health, and a beautiful future!

a peak at chapter 4 of my book WHERE IS MY ANGEL?
…My blood was no longer just flowing inside my veins, it was rather boiling throughout my heart, soul and brain. Tell me black, I smile and say yes; tell me night, I close my eyes and wonder why you suggest that; tell me eat, I wonder if it is poisonous, fattening or not tasteful! I used to look at myself in the mirror and say, no, it was not me. That is how far trust was gone, yet with a smile.
…I switched… within minutes to plan B. Simple? Very! Not a true statement. The true statement was “I Don’t care!” As well not a totally true statement. The very true statement was… I am my own world, but not in an egocentric way. My focus was to build my life, fake on the outside while protecting the inside. So I started with a smile. I promised myself that no one is allowed to access my firewall. Day after day, I tried to heal the wounds…
I could not. So plan B was, SKIP (Seal-Keep-Isolate-Pretend).
Seal the wounds untreated, Keep memories in mind but Isolate the related emotions and last Pretend you are ignorant, you are happy, you are fine. Bottom line, I understood that I am in charge of my own life, happiness and well-being…

#MOI Author of
Where is My Angel? Book by #MOI and Read about my longing to live again
Mommy I am a PACER! Book by #MOI because I believe that children are the future, the change…
Both available:
Amazon: amazon.com link to both books
Through the publishers:
Novum Publishing: Where is My Angel?

Dorrance Publishers: Mommy I Am a PACER!

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